Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Horizon Milk - Now with DHA!!
•1 Red Chico Bag
•1 Red SIGG water bottle (branded w/ Horizon logo)
•1 Horizon soft sided lunch box
•1 Horizon Rubiks Cube keychain
•1 Horizon T-shirt
•5 Horizon free product coupons
Visit Carolina Mama HERE for your chance to win!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Giveaways ending 9/30

Saturday, September 25, 2010
Win a Wubbzy Goes to School DVD at IE Mommy

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Win a Limeades for Learning Prize Pack and Help Schools in Need!
Visit IE Mommy and enter HERE. (Ends 9/22).
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Back to School with Wubbzy
Visit Woman Tribune for your chance to win HERE. (Ends 8/25).
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Need to cool down this summer?

There's no better way to cool down than treating yourself to ice cream! Cold Stone Creamery is definately a favorite in our house. Eighty MPH Mom and Outnumbered 3 to 1 are each giving away 5 $10 gift cards to Cold Stone Creamery. That's 10 chances to win!!
(Ends 8/15).
Visit both sites to enter and while you're there check out their other great Step Into Summer giveaways.
Happy winning!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
**Win Pediped Shoes**

Monday, April 26, 2010
Mailbox Monday 4/26

Monday, April 19, 2010
Mailbox Monday 4/19

Not too shabby, huh? Do you love checking your mailbox? I know I do. Check out A Frugal Friend to see what others have found in their mailboxes.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
HELP...I Need to Start My Spring Cleaning!!

A Latte in the Morning is giving away a great Swiffer Wet Jet/Costco GC. Enter HERE. (Ends 4/27).
Confessions of a Psychotic Housewife is giving away a Swiffer Sweeper Vac. Enter HERE. (Ends 5/1).
Lots of Seventh Generation Giveaways to be won:

Visit Mellisa at Getting All My Ducks in a Row and enter HERE. (Ends 4/30). **I did not use this post as a means of extra entries. Just promoting her giveaway.**
Visit Maria's Space and enter HERE. (Ends 4/17).
Visit Cutepea's Freebies and enter HERE. (Ends 4/25).
Visit Raising Olives and enter HERE. (Ends 4/15).
Visit Dealicious Mom and enter HERE. (Ends 4/21).
How cool is this?? Visit 3 Kids and Us for your chance to win an Electrolux Versatility and an Arm & Hammer gift pack. I love how inexpensive and versatile baking soda is for cleaning and use it whenever I can. The Electrolux Versatility vacuum looks awesome. I could get some serious cleaning done with this. Check out the great features of this vacuum on the Electrolux website.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Mailbox Monday 4/12

React 5 gum
Juicy Juice sippy cup
U from Kotex
Playtex Sport
Playtex Gentle Glide
Giveaway Wins
Strollaway (Thanks Jenna at A Mom's Balancing Act)!
Buttoned Up- Best Intention Coupon Book and 12 Greeting Card Stash (Thanks Mass Hole Mommy)!
Mailbox Monday brought to you by A Frugal Friend. Be sure to check out everyone's mailbox goodies by clicking on the box below.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Mailbox Monday 4/5
Anyway, this week was much better. So here goes:

- Spongebob Cream of Wheat sample
- Degree Deodorant
- Lever 2000
- Beneful dog food (we don't have a dog, but I bet my Dad's dog will like this)
- Huggies diapers (yay! we can always use diapers)
- Kashi bar and coupon
- Bounce sheets
- Tasters Choice samples
-Dapper Snapper (Thanks Simply Stacie!) I'm really excited to try this. I have the darndest time trying to keep little J3's pants up.
-Yo Gabba Gabba DVD and CD (Thanks My Milwaukee Mommy!) This is the other half of the giveaway from the Yo Gabba Gabba win HERE. My husband took J3 to the show and they had a blast!
Target baby coupons
Visit A Frugal Friend to see what others received in their mailboxes this past week.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Mailbox Monday

- Olay Body Wash sample from Walmart
- Crest 3D Whitestrips and coupons from Walmart
- Burt's Bee sample toothpaste
- UnderJams sample from P&G (perfect for J3 who is almost 4 and still wears Pull-ups to bed!)
- 3 Pampers Cruisers from Sam's (perfect for J1 who will be in dipes for awhile!)
-How to Never Look Fat Again by Charla Krupp (Thanks Growing a Baby in Seattle!)
-Rainbow Brite Interactive CD (Thanks Frugal Plus!) Sorry not pictured- I already gave it to my niece.
-$10 Prepaid Visa card from Huggies. I won this a really long time ago playing the Potty Dance game with the code from Pull-Ups. This took so long to arrive that I forgot I was even waiting for it! I guess I can go buy some more Pull-Ups now!
-Card for free med McDonald's McCafe drink (for registering with a local moms website).
Visit A Frugal Friend to see what others have received in their mailboxes this past week.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Ronald McDonald House Tab Toss Day - Thurs April 22 3:30-5:00
This sounds like a fun event. We get to toss our tabs into a big dumpster (every little bit counts!) and the kids will get to meet Ronald. How fun!
Visit Ronald McDonald House Charities Eastern Wisconsin (or your local Ronald McDonald House) for more details.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Big Win!! Tickets to Glee "Live in Concert"

Wednesday, March 17, 2010
**Win a Personalized Print from London Bridge**
Visit Minnesota Mama's Must Haves to enter her giveaway HERE. (Ends 3/24).
Visit Annies Home to enter her giveaway HERE. (Ends 3/22).
Visit "Deal"ectible Mommies and enter HERE. (Ends 3/27).
Visit Go Graham Go and enter HERE. (Ends 4/1).
Can you tell I really, really want to win this? Good Luck!!
March WINS!! (so far)
3/3/10 Rainbow Brite Interactive CD at Frugal Plus. I'm so excited Rainbow Brite is making a comeback. Aww, memories. I gave this to my niece since I thought she would appreciate some Rainbow Brite exposure more than my boys would. I haven't heard yet if she's tried it.
3/8/10 How to Never Look Fat Again book at Growing a Baby in Seattle Reviews.
I've had some issues losing weight after these last two pregnancies. Since my youngest isn't that young anymore (he'll be 2 soon), I really can't use the "just had a baby" excuse. I am working on losing weight but this book will definitely be very helpful. I can't wait to read it!
3/10/10 Skinfood Skincare at Simply Stacie. I received a Starter Kit valued at $96 which contained the following: Gourmet Skinfood, Floral Spritz, Rainflowers Jojoba Skintonic, and Rosepetal Whipped Cream. All I have to say is after using this for just one day, my skin felt AH-MAZING!! I love the scent of these products and how easy it is to use. These are great products. I'm so glad that I was introduced to this line because now I'M HOOKED!! Visit Skinfood Skincare HERE to see their other products.
3/10/10 MagnaPod and bonus Toothbrush Holder at A Year in the Life of June Cleaver. The MagnaPod is a very cool organizing tool for your cosmetics. There are many other uses though. My daughter took this to school to use inside her locker for pens/pencils and of course, lip gloss. A Year in the Life of June Cleaver is a great site. I love it because as I'm starting my spring cleaning, my goal is to organize as well. She has some great tips on her blog.
Be sure to check her out HERE.
3/13/10 Adorable Baby Dapper Snapper at Simply Stacie. This is such a great idea! The Dapper Snapper is a belt for toddlers. My 3 year old sooo needs this. He has such a little waist so I am constantly hiking up his pants or folding over the top part. No wonder he runs around the house singing the "Pants on the Ground" song! Check out the Dapper Snapper HERE. I picked the Green Camo - can't wait to receive it.
That's my March wins for now. Pretty cool, huh? So, have you won anything lately?? Well, what are you waiting for??? Go enter some giveaways!!
February WINS!!
Here's the list:
2/5/10 MOR Cosmetics Marshmallow Lip Balm at Sugar Pop Ribbons. I absolutely love this lip balm. It came in such a pretty package and it feels so luxurious on my lips. I wanted to keep this but my daughter kind of took it over!
2/5/10 Yo Gabba Gabba Tickets and CD at My Milwaukee Mommy. See my post HERE on this big win. My husband took my 3 year old son this past weekend to see this show and he LOVED it! The seats were great and it was a very exciting show. He won't stop talking about it.
2/9/10 Pedia Lax Fiber Gummies at Sweet Deals for Mom. My kids really like these. They currently eat a multi-gummie vitamin everyday so they are used to the idea. This is a great way to add some extra fiber in their little tummies!
2/10/10 Fiber One Muffins at Mommy? I'm Hungry! I received a coupon in the mail. I haven't redeemed it yet but I know my kids will gobble these up. And another great way to get them to eat some fiber! I'm starting to see a theme here....
Thank you so much to all the sponsors and blog owners!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
**Win a Skitter Car** @SUGAR POP RIBBONS

Sugar Pop Ribbons is giving away a Skitter Car right now. I would be the coolest mom ever if I could win this for my Little Skitter Boy. Check out the Skitter Toys website to buy a Skitter Car and get more details. The seat is large enough for 2 children so my Littlest Skitter Boy could ride beyond Little Skitter Boy. How cute would that be?!?
Visit Sugar Pop Ribbons to read her review and to enter the giveaway HERE. She has a lot of other great giveaways going on right now so be sure to check it out!!
(Ends 2/11)
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
A Win!! -- Yo Gabba Gabba! Live! There's a Party in my City!